19 February 2025

Course Fees and Discount Packages


Course fees for those living in New Zealand

The fee per module is NZ$1160.00 plus GST (15%).   This compares favourably with universities and polytechs where Postgraduate papers each cost between NZ$3500.00 and NZ$5500.00.   It also compares very favourably with professional organisations which often charge in the region of $2,000 for a two day course.

The fee for the full Diploma is NZ$9280.00 plus GST (15%).   A more generic qualifications such as the MBA, can cost in the region of NZ$28,000 - 30,000, depending on where you study.

Everyone who enrols is encouraged to apply for a scholarship which can reduce the cost of your fees.

New Zealand School of Export courses and training are part of NZTE's Capability Development Voucher Scheme and are eligible for voucher redemption.   Check out the network of Regional Business Partners for more information.

Course fees for those not living in New Zealand

For those living outside New Zealand, the course fees are exactly the same as above, but we do need to add the cost of postage to your overall fee. 

 The fee per module is NZ$1160.00 plus GST (15%) and postage.  The fee for the entire Diploma is NZ$9280.00 plus GST (15%) and postage.   This compares very favourably with New Zealand universities and polytechnics where an Undergraduate Degree can cost international students in the region of NZ$20,000.00 - $25,000.00 per year. 

Postage from New Zealand varies, depending on where you live - we can provide more details when you apply.   You may also be eligible for a scholarship.

Same fees since 2007

The School has kept the course fees at the same level since we started in 2007.   Because we are a specialist provider with none of the overheads which larger institutions carry, we can pass the savings directly to you and offer you real value for money, as well as the opportunity to apply for scholarships.

What the fee includes:

The course fee includes:

  • All your training materials delivered right to your door - comprising a set of 8 ring-bound learning materials, International Trade Directory, NZ Export and Trade Handbook, notepads, pens, post-its and a few surprises!
  • One-on-one tutoring from our team of professionally qualified and experienced School staff, plus access to our network of Adjunct Faculty - up to four hours of personal advice and mentoring per module.
  • Access to our unique ELIS (Export Library and Information Service) which is staffed by a professional business librarian who is available to answer all your questions at no extra cost.
  • Examination and assessment fees (first sitting).
  • Award certificates: Certificate of International Trade and the Diploma of International Trade.

There are no hidden extras!

Many education providers charge additional fees for student services, amenities, exam fees and even academic records - we don't think that's fair.  At the New Zealand School of Export we guarantee there are no hidden extras!

As the Diploma of International Trade is delivered by distance education, you don't have the additional cost of travel and accommodation costs to attend block courses.

Materials pack.JPG

Paying the Course Fees

We realise that paying the full fee up-front can be difficult. To help you, we can set up a payment schedule where you can pay per module or on a monthly basis, by cheque or internet banking.  Please note that you must pay for each module before any learning materials will be sent to you.

Are you worth the investment?

Think of it this way - over the duration of the course, you will be investing around $145 per week in professional and business development.

Real value for money

100% of our exporters say that the  Diploma of International Trade is real value for the investment - check out our latest Satisfaction Survey.

Double discount package

Where two exporters from the same organisation apply at the same time, the double discount package applies: 10% off the total of course fee for both exporters. Discounts are taken from payment of the final two modules studied.

Team discount package (three or more people)

Where three or more exporters from the same organisation apply at the same time, the team discount package applies: 20% off the total of course fee for the first two exporters and 25% off total course fee for the third and subsequent exporters. Discounts are taken from payment of the final two modules studied.

Recruit and train package

Recruit through the Jobs page of this website and we'll give you a 5% discount off our course fees - so you can put your new recruit through the Diploma of International Trade.

Page last updated 18 February 2011

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