23 October 2024

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Export Doc shares his secrets of export success in Horowhenua

Horowhenua October Electra Business Breakfast - 7.15am, Wednesday 17th October 2012

Rom (the ‘Export Doctor’) Rudzki is a serial entrepreneur having established five successful businesses and two not-for-profit.  In 1996 he won the Financial Times’ David Thomas Award and in 2007 was the Founder and Director of the New Zealand School of Export, which provides exporter growth programmes for those Kiwis who want to grow their businesses.  Past participants include staff from Fonterra to one-person start-ups, as well as NZTE’s own staff. 

He will be speaking about the secrets of export success from his perspective as a Board Member of the global body IATTO, which since the 1970s has been responsible for setting the standards for those professionals working in international trade (import/export).  

Rom’s sessions are always funny, challenging and provide heaps of useful stuff so this is definitely one not to miss!

Book your place now to ensure you don’t miss out. (Bookings are essential)

Date: Wednesday 17 October 2012

Venue: Western House, 149 Tiro Tiro Rd, Levin.

Time: 7.15am

Cost: $20

RSVP: to paraparaumu@thekapiticompany.com by  4pm, 15 October 2012

Director heads to Tallinn

Dr Romual Rudzki, Director of the New Zealand School of Export attended the 38th IATTO Global Forum in Tallinn, Estonia in September.   Rom - representing New Zealand - is one of four international Board members.

St Olaf's Church, Tallin, Estonia copyright Rom Rudzki

Pictured: St Olaf's Church, Tallinn - the tallest building in the world between 1549-1625 at a height of 159 metres. Copyright: Romuald Rudzki

Director gets regular column in Exporter Magazine

School Director - Dr Romuald Rudzki - now has a regular column in Exporter Magazine.

In 'Viewpoint', Rom shares his advice about 'The Biggest Mistakes Exporters Make'.  If you don't suscribe to Exporter Magazine, check it out: http://www.exportermagazine.co.nz


Financial Assistance for Exporters

More and more exporters are making use of the NZTE Capability Development Scheme, which provides 50% towards the cost of the Diploma of International Trade, or the Exporter Health Check.

To see if you are eligible (and chances are that you will be), go to: http://nzte.govt.nz/develop-knowledge-expertise/business-training-services


New Adjunct Faculty

John Sumner of http://www.aegility.com has joined the School as Adjunct Faculty

John is an award-winning designer of Learner Management Systems (LMS), specialising in systems for large public or private sector organisations that need to get trained quickly, well and cost-effectively.  Oh yes, and in case you recognise him from the photo on his website, John has another life as an actor.  He played the boss in TVOne's 'Spin Doctors' and was also in Peter Jackson's 'King Kong', during which he was eaten by a dinosaur ... as well as many other films and TV shows.  Rumour has it that he was quite a dish in his early days as a singer.


Still going strong - five years on!

It's been quite a while since our last exportfocus, but in this fifth year of global recession, sometimes the best news is simply that an organisation is still around and so we are!

We are also sharing good news, so here goes:  we are 5 years old this year having started in 2007 - which looking back on it was not the best time to start any new enterprise apart from businesses in debt recovery or insolvency! However, we continue to have new exporters taking our courses and have acquired new Adjunct Faculty.

In terms of (sort of) bad news, we moved out of the building we had leased for 5 years at Aokautere Park on May 21st and are now back in our original premises looking for new ones. Thanks to (foreign owned) Powerco's under-investment in the infrastructure, we had over 300 power cuts during our stay but couldn't get out of our lease as the landlord was not responsible for the lack of electricity.  Every time a power cut happened, we had to reset systems and if cuts occurred during office hours, we lost data, machines and patience with lots of "Oh no!  Not again!!!".  Rom,  our Director would wander the corridor muttering "I've been in African countries with more reliable power supplies than this".  But at the School we always look on the bright side and continue to help exporters in a multitude of ways, from short workshops, to providing ongoing support for our exporters and graduates.  So - we may have moved, but we continue to put you first in everything we do.


Welcome to our new Business Development Manager

The School is delighted to welcome our new Business Development Manager - Edrei Valath.  Welcome to the team Edrei!


BNZ Partners' Exporters' Series

Dr Romuald Rudzki is heading to Marlborough as part of the BNZ Partners' Expporters' Series.  Rom will run two very different workshops:'Thinking About Exporting?' and 'Growing Your Exports' on Wednesday 22 August 2012.  The incredibly useful and valuable sessions normally cost $495 + GST to attend, but are being subsidised in fully BNZ, Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and the New Zealand School of Export.  Contact rom@export.ac.nz orcall Debbie Carter at Marlborough Chamber of Commerce on: (03) 577 9575.

Read our latest newsletter: exportfocus

Accelerate Success Platform

On 21 February Staff from the School attended an information session on the new Accelerate Success Platform to be launched on March 1.  Jacinta Swain, a staff member from NZTE outlined the features of the new platform that will assist providers to offer approved services under the Regional Business Partner Network.   The New Zealand School of Export is a Registered Provider for the Network.

26 February 2012

Director elected to FINZ Committee

The Director of the School Dr Romuald Rudzki has been elected to the inaugural Manawatu Branch Committee of the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ).

14 February 2012 

The School Reaches its Fifth Anniversary

On 10 January 2007 the School's ancestor Export Training Services, started operations on a very small scale in Queen Street, Palmerston North.   Out of the foundations put in place by Export Training Services arose the New Zealand School of Export.   The School was officially opened on December 7, 2007 by the Honourable Steve Maharey, MP for Palmerston North.  By then the School's operations had moved to its current premises at Aokautere Park, east of the City.

The flagship qualification offered by the School is the Diploma of International Trade and graduates of this course are currently working in companies in New Zealand and around the world.   In 2011 the Exporter Health Check was launched and has been very successfully used in two Taranaki companies.

While the economic downturn in New Zealand and global events have undoubtedly affected the School, it has cemented its place within export training in New Zealand.   Significantly the New Zealand School of Export remains the only New Zealand organisation to be accredited by IATTO - the International Association of Trade Training Organisations.

Congratulations to all staff, adjunct faculty, graduates and current students for their hard work and commitment over the last five years. Ad Multos Annos.

10 January 2012

Ariunaa Mendtsoo  awarded Certificate of International Trade

Ariunaa has completed the first four Modules of the Diploma course, and was  presented with her Certificate of International Trade by the Director at the School today.  Ariunaa, who is  from Mongolia, was a Migrant Intern with the School , and is pictured here with her daughter Nomuna after the Certificate Presentation..

Arinuaa & Nomuna Certificate Day.JPG

See also our earlier News Item on the Migrant Internship.

20 December 2011

Awards for 2011 Announced

The New Zealand School of Export has announced its Awards for 2011.  The Director announced yesterday that the following exporters would receive Awards as follows:

  • Janine Cooney (Trenchit) - Innovation Award 2011
  • Martin Jones (Atradius) - Highest Achiever Award 2011
  • Belinda McKain (formerly of Triodent) - Applied Learning Award 2011

Warmest congratulations are extended to all three.

December 14, 2011

Director re-elected to IATTO Board

The Director of the New Zealand School of Export, Dr Romuald Rudzki, was re-elected to the Board of IATTO at its annual meeting in Chengdu, China.   His presence on the IATTO Board continues to be important for New Zealand giving this country a direct voice at the highest level of international trade training organisations.

The Board has also decided that its next Forum will be held in Tallinn, Estonia in mid-September 2012.

9 November 2011

IATTO Statue being unveiled

Today, November 1st, a statue commemorating the IATTO Forum will be unveiled on the NIMI campus in Chengdu.   This is part of the welcome celebrations for delegates to the Forum.  The Mayor of Xindu District, Chengdu  will be speaking at this welcome.  

IATTO Forum, Chengdu, China - Director Dr Rudzki attends Board meeting today

The Director of the School, Dr Rudzki arrived in Chengdu yesterday (30 October) and later today (31 October), New Zealand time, will attend the IATTO Board meeting.   This will be followed by the Board dinner together.  IATTO is currently chaired by James Foley who is a Board member of NASBITE in the US.  You can read about James here: http://nasbite.org/about/single-entry/nasbite-board-and-staff

Rugby World Cup 2011

The School is dressed for the event!   

RWC bunting at NZSOE.jpg


We are celebrating by inviting you to come to the School if you are in Palmerston North.   We'll give you cheese toasties and a cuppa.    If you are interested in what we do, or just want to talk about exporting, let us know when you would like to come.  Please email: rom@export.ac.nz  

NEW Page for Students

A new page of information to help students with their assignments and debating information has been loaded.   Have a look at New Zealand's Trade History.   It lists some of the most significant dates for the history of New Zealand's international trade from 1794 to the present.  

26 August 2011

New Adjunct Faculty

Martin Jones of Atradius, Singapore has joined the School's Adjunct Faculty.   Read about Martin on the Adjunct Faculty page.

15 August 2011

IATTO Forum, Chengdu, China, 1-4 November, 2011 - NZSOE Director to deliver paper

The Director of the School, Dr Romuald Rudzki has been invited to speak at the 2011 IATTO Forum to be held in Chengdu, China.   Dr Rudzki also gave a paper at the Stockholm Forum; this is available from our Free Downloads page.    More details on the paper for the IATTO Forum in Chengdu will be posted soon.

Details of the Forum can be found on the IATTO website.

27 July 2011

Industry Cluster Pathfinder Revised for 2011

Industry clusters are alive and well in New Zealand!   A recent issue of NZ Manufacturer - May 2011, covers the ongoing success of the Waikato Aviation Cluster.  The Pathfinder on Industry Clusters which is the only known list of clusters that exporters have access to, has been revised again and is now available on the FREE Downloads page.  Not only is the Waikato Aviation Cluster listed, but 24 other groups in New Zealand.   Industry clusters are a vital way of tapping into local  experience and knowledge .   This free resource has been prepared by the New Zealand School of Export for the New Zealand exporter.

8 July 2011


New Zealand School of Export Graduate aids Company success

Ian Walton, recent graduate of the School's Diploma Course, and now Commercial Sales Manager for DSH Systems Ltd in Napier, has contributed to their award success.   DSH has been chosen as a finalist in the prestigious American Chamber of Commerce Export Awards 2011.  See the link below for the awards annoucnement:


5 July 2011

New Zealand School of Export courses now part of NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme

All New Zealand School of Export courses are now part of the NZTE's Capability Development Voucher Scheme.  This includes the School's Exporter Growth Programme, Export Health-Check and the Certificate and Diploma of International Trade.  Check out the network of Regional Business Partners for more information.

February 2011

Milestone for the ELIS catalogue

There are now over 1000 items in the Catalogue of the New Zealand School of Export!   This achievement enhances the uniqueness and the value of ELIS to the international trade community.  Ten percent of these items are digital - that is they can be accessed from anyone's desktop.  Over 200 of the items available are from the School's File Management System - many of these are called Case Studies and are files on companies exporting from New Zealand.  Take a look at the Catalogue: http://ets.kohalibrary.com/   If you find something there which is not digital but which would help you in your business - let us know and we will see how we can make it accessible to you.

6 July 2010

NEW! Students Page

A page aimed at secondary and tertiary students studying economics, business and New Zealand history has gone live.   You  will notice that the font used is larger than is customary on this website.  That has been done deliberately to assist a readable copy when printed.   Feedback is warmly welcomed - info@export.ac.nz.

20 May 2010

Short Course Programme Begins May 4th

The School's Autumn Short Course Programme begins on May 4th 2010.   The full progamme is available here :

Short courses - Autumn 2010.pdf(98.05 KB)

27 April 2010

NEW Revised edition of New Zealand Government Pathfinder

The New Zealand Government Pathfinder has been revised!  We have added the new website inthehouse.co.nz and this is NOW available on the Free Downloads page.   inthehouse enables you to get video posts of Parliament in response to a wide variety of access options: by Member of Parliament, your own search topic, or by a series of other specific methods such as the Reading of a Bill.

12 April 2010

Janine Cooney is awarded Certificate of International Trade

Janine Cooney has completed her first four Modules of the Diploma and therefore has been awarded her Certificate of International Trade.   Congratulations Janine.  See also the News item below: TrenchIT scoops Export Scholarship

12 April 2010

NEW Pathfinder loaded:  Industry Clusters

A new Pathfinder - Industry Clusters in New Zealand compiled by Graeme Siddle, the Head of Library & Information Services has been loaded onto the FREE Downloads page.   It lists Industry clusters in New Zealand, especially noting those that are engaged in international trade. 

1 April 2010

 NZ$5000 Export Scholarship for small poppies with ambition.  

Named after the School’s founder  - the Dr Romuald Rudzki Export Scholarship is specifically for “short poppies with  ambition”.  Many relatively new and often smaller companies struggle to gain a foothold in the international marketplace because they don’t have the luxury of big budgets to train key staff to international levels; and they are ineligible for government funding because they have failed to reach the    prescribed level of turnover.

Rom is fully aware of the implications of this “catch 22” situation, indeed,  the School is ineligible for government funding because it is a distance learning provider, restricts entry to importers/exporters  and it offers internationally accredited, rather than NZQA accredited qualifications.

The  Scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who can prove they have a great business idea/product; is unable to gain the assistance required to cover tuition fees; and has the        commitment to complete the Diploma of International Trade. 

In addition to the Dr Romuald Rudzki Export Scholarship, the School is once again offering Scholarships, each valued at NZ$1200 in the following categories.

ELIS goes to the UK

Our Export Library and Information Service (ELIS) is going from strength to strength and is now being used by the Institute of Export in the UK.

Congratulations to our very own Ariunaa Mendtsoo on completing her Migrant Internship with the New Zealand School of Export. 

The internship is an initiative of the Manawatu Ethnic Council, aimed at placing qualified migrants with Manawatu businesses in order to give them experience of the kiwi workplace.

Ariunaa, who has a Degree in Construction Engineering and Public Management, worked in Mongolia for a Joint Venture - GTZ. Rom, Ariunaa, Axel.JPG

She is fluent in Mongolian, English, Russian and German and has been working on a part-time basis with the School.

On completing the required number of hours, Ariunaa was presented with her Certificate by Employment Facilitator Axel de Maupeou d’Ableiges (pictured here with Rom).

We are also delighted to take this opportunity to confirm Ariunaa as the 2009 recipient of the   Dr Robin W. N. Smith Memorial Scholarship.

The Scholarship will enable Ariunaa to study for the Diploma of International Trade at no cost to her. 

New video for the New Zealand School of Export

The crew from 'Made from New Zealand' were at the New Zealand School of Export in November to make a video about us:

Over here!.JPG Preparing the shot.JPG This is a small mic - don't we need a big fluffy one.JPG  Are you sure you need to be this close.JPG  Almost ready.JPG  Check it out on our homepage!


Fonterra graduate Greg Canty is moving on up

Congratulations go to Greg Canty,  Technical Officer within the Global Inventory Team at Fonterra’s Whareroa site who has just completed the Diploma of International Trade.    We’re not sure what Greg’s secret for successful studying is, but during the course, his marks went up and up, finally achieving 93% in his last paper, which is a wonderful way to finish all that hard work.


5am starts work for Yovitha

Congratulations Yovitha Ramkolowan-Dale on being awarded the New Zealand School of Export Diploma of International Trade!

New Zealand School of Export introduces new Jobs Page and special 'Train and Recruit' Package

The New Zealand School of Export has introduced a new Jobs Page to its website - the ideal place to advertise your export and import vacancies. 

Exporters and Entrepreneurs Unite

New Zealand School of Export is working with ‘Made from New Zealand’ to help more kiwis learn from each other and take some of the risk out of doing business overseas.  Now exporters can network via the New Zealand School of Export community:  http://www.madefromnewzealand.com/businesses/new-zealand-school-of-export

School adopts a "Flexi-Start"

In direct response to requests from exporters, the New Zealand School of Export has moved away from three intakes each year to a "flexi-start" whereby exporters can start on the 1st of any month. Click here for more information: Flexi-start

Sustainable Exporters get the thumbs up from Ricoh New Zealand

The New Zealand School of Export is pleased to introduce the Ricoh Sustainable Export Scholarship sponsored by Ricoh New Zealand Ltd. Click here for more information:Sustainable Exporters get the thumbs up from Ricoh NZ.pdf

The New Zealand School of Export has formed a partnership with EMA Learning

The School has chosen to partner with EMA Learning to deliver eight stand-alone, two-day    modules, which build on the new Export Fundamentals courses recently introduced by EMA Learning.  Courses start in January 2010.  For further information visit: www.ema.co.nz/ or contact: alison@export.ac.nz

$46k worth of Scholarships to help Exporters raise their game

The New Zealand School of Export is challenging the countrys exporters to raise their game, and is offering over $46,000 worth of Scholarships to help them turn professional. Click here for more information: $46 worth of Scholarshps to help Exporters raise their game.pdf

Trench It Scoops Export Scholarship

Compressed Copy of Janine_02.jpgTauranga Chamber member Janine Cooney, Director of Trench-It Industries is the first recipient of the joint New Zealand School of Export and Tauranga Chamber of Commerce Export Scholarship. Read More:Trench -It Scoops Export Scholarship - CoC - for website.pdf


Fonterra: Latin American team member awarded Migrant Exporter Scholarship

Fonterra Customer Service Executive Dairen Perez Guzman is the first recipient of the inaugural Migrant Exporter Scholarship.

Graduate Ian Walton of Atrax Group takes product to the world

Click here to see the latest graduate of the NZ School of Export: Ian Walton of Atrax Group: http://tvnz.co.nz/business-news/nzi-business-july-29-export-school-graduate-atrax-takes-product-world-3-11-2878527/video

The benefits of Migrant Internships

New Zealand School of Export Marketing Director Alison Vickers talks to NZ Business about the benefits of migrant internships. Click here: NZBusiness_migrants.pdf(1,177.41 KB)

School plays critical role in wine company's survival

New Zealand School of Export graduate Michael Putt talks to the Independent about the critical role played by the School in the survival of his wine company. Click here: Export School critical to wine company survival.jpg(1,121.77 KB)

Forrest Wines Scoop Export Scholarship

Dan Taylor, Sales and Marketing Manager at Forrest Wines is the first recipient of the joint NZ School of Export and Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Export Scholarship: Read more: Forrest Wines Scoop Export Scholarship.pdf

New Zealand School of Export offers over $25k in Export Scholarships

 New Zealand School of Export offer over NZ$25k worth of Scholarships: Read more: New Zealand School of Export offers over $25k in Export Scholarships.pdf(106.52 KB)

Supporting Manawatu Exporters - Scholarship Award boosts regional expertise

Jamie Laird

Jamie Laird, Regional Co-ordinator for NZTE is the first recipient of the joint NZ School of Export and Manawatu Chamber of Commerce Export Scholarship. Read more:Supporting Manawatu Exporters - Scholarship Award boosts regional expertise.pdf(81.42 KB)

Help for Pacific Exporters

The New Zealand School of Export is offering a Scholarship to New Zealand based Pacific exporters: Read more: Help for Pacific Exporters - 2009.pdf(101.59 KB)

Belinda & Rom.JPG

New Zealand School of Export celebrates double success with first graduate

Belinda Andal, International Trade Officer with Red Seal Natural Health is the first exporter to graduate from the New Zealand School of Export: Read more: NZSOE celebrates double success with first graduate.pdf(125.14 KB)

New Zealand School of Export finalist for 2009 Vero Excellence in Business Support Awards

The New Zealand School of Export is among the finalists for the Education Provider category in the 2009 Vero Excellence in Business Support Awards.  Read more: NZSOE - Finalist for 2009 VERO Business Support Awards.pdf(120.20 KB)

Exporters succeed despite the economic gloom

A group of pioneering exporters are celebrating despite the economic gloom. The graduates include Trevor Millar, Export Manager at Cowells Pavlova Kitchen; Dehua Pan, Business Development Manager with Mathias Meats NZ Ltd, and Jurie Breytenbach, Minerals Key Account Manager at New Zealand Steel Ltd: Read more: Exporters succeed, despite the economic gloom.pdf(124.05 KB)

New Zealand School of Export awarded Institutional Status

7 October, 2008 - New Zealand School of Export granted Institutional status by the International Association of International Trade Training Organisations (IATTO), the global accrediting body. Read more: NZ School of Export awarded Institutional Status.pdf(80.36 KB)

NZ School of Export has foot on the accelerator

29/08/08 - New Zealand School of Export helps businesses in the Manawatu accelerate their exporting potential. Read more: New Zealand School of Export has foot on the accelerator.pdf(101.61 KB)

New Zealand School of Export Director elected to Global Body

15/9/08 - Dr Romuald Rudzki, Director of the New Zealand School of Export, has been elected to the Board of the International Association of Trade Training Organisations (IATTO).  Read more:NZSOE Director elected to IATTO.pdf(108.21 KB)

Exporters receive Certificate of International Trade

16/5/08 - The very first group of New Zealand exporters have been awarded the internationally accredited Certificate of International Trade: Read more: Exporters receive Certificate of International Trade 16.5.08.pdf(83.14 KB)

Kiwi exporters go to the top of the class

11.06.08 - Kiwi exporters studying with the New Zealand School of Export are secure in the knowledge that they are at the top of their class: Read more: Kiwi exporters go to the top of the class - 11-6-08.pdf(59.23 KB)

Page last updated 26 February 2012

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