16 July 2024

Our Supporters

The New Zealand School of Export gratefully acknowledges the support of the following organisations:

IATTO logo.jpg NZTE logo.jpg

Ricoh - logo_RGB.jpg

Regional Business Partners for NZTE Capability Scheme


Canterbury Employer's Chamber

Gisborne Chamber of Commerce

Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce

Marlborough Chamber of Commerce

MCC logo.png

Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce



Sthld COC Logo.jpg

Pacific Business Trust logo_300.jpg

Tauranga Chamber of Commerce

Waikato Chamber logo

Wairarapa Chamber of Commerce

Wanaka Chamber of Commerce

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Wellington Chamber of Commerce

Queenstown Chamber of Commerce

Canada - NZ Business Association

Kiwi Chamber in Korea pounamu cmyk horiz.jpgKiwi Chamber in Korea

NZ - German Business Association -RGB.jpg


NZPapua New Guinea Business Council Logo 01.jpg

ASIA NZ logo.jpg

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Our Sponsors

The New Zealand School of Export is a registered charity and totally dependent on fees from the Diploma of International Trade.  The School is ineligible for government funding because:

  • we are a distance learning provider
  • we offer internationally accredited qualifications as opposed to New Zealand accredited qualifications
  • we restrict entry to those already working in international trade or where exporting/importing is part of a firm's overall strategy

If you would like to support or sponsor the School please contact: info@export.ac.nz

The New Zealand School of Export wishes to thank the following organisations for their support of our work.

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Eastern and Central Community Trust

The School has received a donation from Eastern & Central Community Trust to support the provision of our free information portal on the website and our continued website development.   We are most grateful to them.

Techsoup New Zealand

Are you looking to upgrade your Microsoft software and would like to get the latest products as donations? TechSoup NZ is part of a global software donation programme and is the way for not-for-profit organisations with charitable status to access Microsoft software and other products and brands as they are added.     Techsoup logo new_small.JPG

Page last updated 20 February 2012

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© New Zealand School of Export 2007- 2012. Website updated 1 August, 2012.

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