24 February 2025

Getting Answers

Getting Answers and Finding information is crucial to the success of any exporting venture. This page will help you to find what you need by referring you to websites, pdf documents, pathfinders or to resources in the ELIS catalogue.


I need to find information on:


Countries and Business Culture

For quick access to country information use the following sources:

The ELIS Pathfinders Countries 22 Feb 2010.pdf will give you a more comprehensive list of sources of country information.

Export Market Access

For information on markets for your products or services, and for assessing the risks involved with market entry, use these resources:

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Export Products

For information on individual products which are exported or imported, search:

Financial Advice & Assistance

The ELIS Pathfinder Financial Assistance for Exporters 7 Dec. 09.pdf will suggest sources that the exporter can tap into.


Training for New Zealand's industries is facilitated through Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) and you can access a list of Accredited Industry Training Organisations here (website).

The Industry Profiler tool from the Business Toolbox provides details on numbers of business, employee numbers, ceased and new business, survival rates by region.  

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New Zealand Companies & Exporters

Trade & Export Statistics

Statistics New Zealand offers the most comprehensive statistics for New Zealand's international trade.

Pie chart.JPG

Agricultural & forestry export statistics are available from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Other National Statistics websites (G20 countries)


 Australia  Mexico (Spanish only)
 Brazil  Russia (not a National Statistics site)
 Canada  Saudi Arabia
 China  South Africa
 European                  Union  South Korea


 Germany  United Kingdom
 India  USA
 Indonesia  OECD member countries see Country statistical profiles


The ISI Directory - International Statistics Institute website will help you to find trade statistics for a country which is not listed above.  Remember to look for the 'English' button if you don't read the language of the website retrieved.

The  Bank for International Settlements website has a  list of central banks with links - central banks are also a source of statistics which may be useful for the international trade professional. 

The World Economic Forum website has the latest Enabling Trade Index Ranking (pdf document)

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Other New Zealand Statistics

Exporters may also need other New Zealand statistics:

Logistics and Supply Chain

Exporters and the Environment

Carbon neutral certification for exporting businesses and for other businesses involved in international trade:

New Zealand Chambers of Commerce

Links to many of the Chambers' websites are found here

New Zealand Government & Legal Information

The ELIS Pathfinder New Zealand Government 7 April 2010.pdf gives you access to a wide range of other government and legislative information including relevant laws such as the Export Guarantee Act 1964. This includes assistance with finding case law. .

International Laws and Regulations

Trade Agreements

New Zealand


Foreign Embassies & Consulates in New Zealand

New Zealand's Representatives Overseas including Trade Commissioners

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Conferences, Seminars & Trade Shows

Given the vast number of such events, you are advised to search the MFAT and NZTE websites for specific trade missions as these may be led by a Minister or the Prime Minister and receive government support.

Social & Ethical Issues and International Trade


and click here for resources on Fair trade in the ELIS catalogue.

Standards & Technical Barriers to Trade

I need information on benchmarking for my export business:

Some information can be gathered by using the sources of information given on this page e.g. statistical information compiled by Statistics New Zealand. Or you can search the internet for the annual reports of publicly-listed companies.

You can also search in the ELIS Catalogue for information on companies against which you would like to benchmark your own export business. You can type in the company name or, to get several examples within one sector use the sectoral name e.g. food and beverages sector. You can also look for the tag 'New Zealand exporting company', or, you can search in ELIS Catalogue for "new zealand exporting company"  (Note: include the " ") .    Check also for exporting companies in Exportersblog.

There are many companies which specialise in the gathering and preparation of competitor intelligence. One New Zealand example is BPIR.com Limited.

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I need information on protecting my intellectual property (IP):

The key source of New Zealand information on intellectual property for exporters is the Intellectual Property office of New Zealand (Click on the name to go to that site). IPONZ covers Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, Copyright and Plant Variety Rights. And the New Zealand firm A J Park has very useful practical material under its News and Publications tab.

A newspaper article entitled 'Brain Insurance' (Your Weekend December 20, 2008) outlines the experience of a number of New Zealand companies. If you would like a copy of that article send an email to library@export.ac.nz putting IP article in the subject line with your name and address.

The US site FreePatentsOnline gives access to a wide variety of international information.

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I need support/advice for exporting:

New Zealand Trade & Enterprise offers a wide range of services to support exporters e.g. the Beachheads programme. Business Mentors New Zealand also have 80 people available with export experience who are prepared to act as mentors for New Zealand businesses.

Support and encouragement are offered by government organizations such as the Australian Trade Commission's Austrade, by trade associations and business councils within New Zealand such as The Korea New Zealand Business Council and the Latin America New Zealand Business Council, and by bodies such as Asia New Zealand Foundation.

For a more comprehensive list of similar organizations who offer support and advice please use the ELIS Exporting Support/Advice pathfinder - go to Free Downloads.

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I need an export case study:

Please use this list of New Zealand companies to help you find a case study Export case studies NZ companies 30 July 2007.pdf   Also you can download  New Zealand wineries: case studies & resources Wineries cases 3rd ed. 2010.pdf

And search for case studies (click here) in the ELIS catalogue. Or contact the School by emailing library@export.ac.nz outlining the kind of case study you require.

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I need samples of contracts and export documentation:

It is not always easy for you to find sample documents and many are protected so that you are unable to copy them.   Before drafting and using such a document you should take legal advice.   Here are two sources containing samples:

Other Export Documentation:

I need an export document translated:

Look up yellow.co.nz or the yellow pages of your local telephone directory under: Interpreter & Translation Services.

Two examples are:

Translation Service of the Department of Internal Affairs (Government)

A2Ztranslate (Company)

If you have an unexpected language problem, you can contact the Language Line service operated by the Office of Ethnic Affairs.

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I need design help for my export product:

Better by Design is the main source of help for New Zealand exporters. There is a good introduction to the programme on the New Zealand Trade & Enterprise website: http://www.nzte.govt.nz/develop-knowledge-expertise/pages/better-by-design.aspx
This covers:

Design Integration Programme
Design Integration Funding
Education Programmes & Events
Design Directory

Or you can go to the Better By Design website: www.betterbydesign.co.nz

If you want to find a designer for your export product, go to the website of: DINZ the Designers Institute of New Zealand www.dinz.org.nz. There is a Directory service which can be searched alphabetically and by city/region.

Catherine Harris has written a useful article in The Dominion Post September 5, 2009 p.C1 entitled: What's the big idea? Big ideas can mean big money through design.  If you would like a copy of this article please email: library@export.ac.nz

Help with process design within your company can be obtained from a New Zealand organisation called 'designindustry' www.designindustry.co.nz

I need to find out about Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence is a person's ability to function effectively in situations where there are different cultures at work.   International trade is one of those situations.   Exporters need to know their own 'cultural intelligence' and the 'cultural intelligence' of others in order to achieve their business goals.

The section above entitled Countries and Business Culture can help you with information about other countries and their cultures.   A useful website is http://www.culturalq.com.    Click here for resources related to culture and cultural intelligence in the ELIS collection.


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Were you looking for answers about our Courses?  Check the Diploma of International Trade page OR Exporter Growth Programme page

Page last updated on 10 January 2015

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