16 July 2024

ELIS Catalogue

The Catalogue is one of the key parts of ELIS.   The Catalogue allows you to access the specialised trade library collection of the New Zealand School of Export.   This photo shows you part of the collection.

Exporters Collection.JPG

                                Exporters Collection at New Zealand School of Export 30 July 2009

Photo: New Zealand School of Export

The Catalogue includes these resources PLUS the digital or internet resources.   

Specialised Trade Library Collection

ELIS Catalogue gives you access to the only specialised trade library collection in New Zealand.  It focuses on all aspects of international trade.   The New Zealand School of Export has chosen the Koha software to support the Catalogue.   It helps you to find what you are looking for.   And it allows you to suggest titles we should buy, to add comments and tags. These features make the Catalogue more useful as well as unique.

Searching the Catalogue

You can search from here:

or you can leave the New Zealand School of Export website and search here:


For simple searching enter keywords into the search box and press Enter on your keyboard. Try typing in exporting and then press enter.

If you need help please contact library@export.ac.nz

Subject Map - Textiles

If you are unsure how to search for a topic related to the broad subject area of Textiles, try our Subject map - Textiles 24 May 2011.pdf.   By clicking on a subject on the map you will be connected  to the Catalogue description of a resource on that topic.   Read carefully as there may be an online resource you can use from your desktop.

Other subject maps will be coming in the future.  If you found the Textiles subject map helpful, please let us know: library@export.ac.nz

Help Sheets for ELIS Catalogue

Guides to using all the features of the ELIS Catalogue will be available here.

Can't Find Information? ELIS HELP Sheet 2009 no. 8b.
Logging In and Out - Passwords ELIS Help Sheet no.1 Click here.
Making a Comment ELIS Help Sheet 2009 no.6 Click here
My Reading History ELIS Help Sheet 2009 no.9 Click here
Online Resources ELIS Help Sheet no.4 Click here
Placing a Hold or Request ELIS Help Sheet 2008 no.5 Click here
Requesting a Photocopy ELIS Help Sheet no.3 Click here.
Simple searching ELIS Help Sheet no.2 Click here.
Using the Tag Cloud ELIS Help Sheet 2009 no.7 Click here

You Can Help Build the Collection

You can help with the development of our collection by making purchase suggestions.  These may be resources that you have used yourself or found when searching the internet.   Tell us what we should purchase - click here.

You Can Help Others Use the Collection

If you have read a really useful resource from the ELIS Catalogue, describe it with your keywords. Try tagging. You can click on Tag Cloud and see what tags have been used by others. If you think that adding some keywords to resources you have used, would make them more useful, do it now! Add a Tag!

Make our catalogue really useful - add some tags - click here

Page last updated 27 September 2011.



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