27 July 2024

TraLIS blog

You can link from here to a discussion forum for information professionals who are working in trade libraries or information services. 

Click here: TraLIS blog

You may be a librarian, researcher, information advisor working in any of these areas:

  • a company which is exporting or importing
  • an academic department of a college or university which focuses on international trade
  • a government agency which promotes international trade
  • an export documentation specialist in a freight forwarding firm
  • a library with a specialist international trade collection

Please link to this blog or add it to your favourites.

Fire sign from other dwellers.JPG

Photo: New Zealand School of Export

ELIS: Fire Extinguisher sign remaining from the time when the building was used by the Ministry of Works. For a short history of the building in which the School is housed check the TraLIS blog post: http://tralis.blogspot.com/2009/07/international-trade-library-5-elis.html

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