16 July 2024

Exporter Growth Programme - How do I apply?


Need more information?

If you still have questions please contact us and  we will be delighted to help you, or download our information pack as a PDF here:

 Information Pack - Exporter Growth Programme.pdf (497.98 KB) 

If you are ready to enrol, download the word version of our Information pack here and complete the application online.

Information Pack - Exporter Growth Programme.docx (359.11 KB)


Ready to Enrol in the Exporter Growth Programme?

If you're ready to enrol, open the application form here, complete and email it to: info@export.ac.nz

Application for Enrolment - Exporter Growth Programme.docx (16.81 KB)

Alternatively, download the form here:

 Information Pack - Exporter Growth Programme.pdf (497.98 KB)

Complete and post to:

New Zealand School of Export, PO Box 274, Palmerston North 4440


Page last updated 16 April 2013


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