26 March 2025

Sponsoring an Employee

The Diploma of International Trade is based on the skills and knowledge demanded by organisations involved in International Trade. We know that, because we talk to exporters every day, and the course was designed by exporters for exporters.

Why sponsor an employee?

Exporters enrolled in the Diploma apply their learning in the workplace from day one. By the end of the course, they will have produced a comprehensive International Trade Plan to help take your business into the future; and they will have the confidence, knowlege and expertise to make better informed decisions.

Grow your exports and reduce costly errors through staff development

Investing in your employees through staff development is known to improve staff retention and boost morale in the workplace. Gaining specialist knowledge and skills will also reduce costly errors, strenghthen your export team and increase your company's credibility with customers - ensuring your business reaches its targets and maintains its competitive edge.

How much time do employees need?

The Diploma demands hard work, an average of five hours per week and you are encouraged to negotiate time for professional development. At the very least, employees will require time to complete the assessments associated with each module.

How have other business benefitted?

Red Seal is currently exporting to a number of countries mainly Australia & Pacific, North Asia and the UK. This specialist course came up at the right time, when we struggled to find skilled people here. Our only option was to train one of our existing staff and we are really pleased that Belinda took the challenge, as she has grown very quickly from being just an administrator to a really good international trade professional.

Red Seal Natural Health

For the first time, New Zealand exporters are being offered the highest level of professional development that has been a proven success for years in many countries including Canada, the US and UK. The Diploma focuses on workplace projects from day one, so exporters improve their export business credibility immediately.

Bob Walters, former CEO, Export New Zealand

What if more than one employee needs professional development?

Then talk to us. The New Zealand School of Export can offer a discount on multiple enrolments from one company. We can also offer be-spoke training for your company.

Government assistance

New Zealand School of Export courses and training are part of the NZTE's Capability Development Voucher Scheme and are eligible for voucher redemption.  Check out the network of Regional Business Partners for more information.

Do you still have questions?

If you still have questions - contact us today: info@export.ac.nz

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