26 March 2025

New Zealand School of Export Privacy Policy

The following policy applies to this website ('the site'). By using this website, you are deemed to have read and agreed with these Conditions of Use.


The New Zealand School of Export (the School) does not collect information on who visits the site apart from when users wish to sign-up for the free Newsletter, ELIS or other services we provide, when these personal details are then held in a secure area at the School. We do not disclose details to any other party, neither do we sell or give away our mailing list.

Independent status

As a Charitable Trust, the School does not endorse any provider of goods or services.  We provide our exporters with totally impartial and independent advice which is not linked to any provider.  Therefore any approach from any such a provider using our name should be rejected as being false.  If in doubt, contact us at the address below.

Use of information

The School receives website statistics (which do not identify individuals) from our Internet Service Provider. This allows us to tailor our services better and to understand what parts of the website are receiving most hits. Where you have requested the Newsletter or other services, we will only use the information you provide to ensure that you receive the services requested, for example, by checking we have your correct e-mail address.

Cookies and tracking

The software used on this site has created a single cookie used to identify the visitor if they return to the site in order to allow us to log visitor numbers and website traffic. No other hidden tracking devices are used on any part of this site.

Disclosure of personal information

We only disclose information - such as for a press release - after receiving your express permission for each disclosure.  Otherwise we do not disclose who has in the past or who is currently studying with the School.

Hotlinks to other sites

Where the site has a hot-link to another site, we do not disclose your personal information to the other site.


The School complies with current New Zealand legislation and does not generate unsolicited e-mail.  If you receive something claiming to be from us, please forward it to us so it may be dealt with in the appropriate manner.  If you wish to unsubscribe from any or all parts of the site, please contact us at the address below.

Complaints procedure

If you have any concerns or complaints about the way this site is operated, please contact us so that these matters may be dealt with.

Checking personal information held

As a private individual you have the right under the 1993 Privacy Act to check any of the personal information held by us. If you wish to check any of this information, please contact us. There is no charge for this service. (For further information about the Privacy Act visit the Office of the Privacy Commissioner: http://www.privacy.org.nz/)

Further information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or the work of the School, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below.

Graeme Siddle

Head of Library & Information Services

New Zealand School of Export

PO Box 274

Palmerston North 4471

New Zealand

Tel. 06 356 56 56


This page last updated 10 January 2015


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