26 March 2025

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What is in it for me?

Q. What is in it for my company?

Q. I'm short of time - would I be better off doing a short course?

Q. What do other exporters say about the course?

Q. What does business say about the Diploma?

Q. What are the entry requirements for the courses?

Q. What time commitment will I need to make?

Q. How long does it take to complete a module?

Q. Can I study more than one module at a time?

Q. Do I have to attend off-site workshops or study?

Q. Can I study whilst overseas?

Q. Do I have to get my employers agreement to take the qualification?

Q. How do I convince my employer?

Q. How do I apply?

Q. What does it cost?

Q. Do I have to pay the full amount up-front?

Q. Can I get any financial help towards my course fee?

Q. Are the School's courses and training a part of NZTE's Voucher Scheme?

Q. Can I study only one module?

Q. Why should I be an GTP?

Q. Is GTP for me?

Q. How do I become an GTP?

Q. Can I get an exemption for a subject that I have been doing for years?

Q. What happens if I have to delay finishing a paper?

Q. Is the Diploma NZQA accredited?

Q. Who awards the qualification?

Q. Does the School offer any consultancy services?

Q. I can't find what I am looking for.

Q. I am interested in what the School offers - can I use the Export Library & Information Service?

Q. I have a question which has not been answered above.

Q. What is in it for me?

A. At least three things: (1) A thorough grounding in international business skills and practical trade experience which will be immediately useful in your job as an exporter. (2) A prestigious, globally recognised professional qualification in exporting and international trade. (3) The ITP (International Trade Professional) designation that you can put on your business card after your name.

Q. What is in it for my company?

A. Professionally qualified exporting staff, who will make a real impact on your exporting capability; differentiation from the competition by setting a new hiring standard for staff; immediate application of new knowledge and skills to your business.

Q. I'm short of time - would I be better off doing a short course?

If you want a short injection of 'Exporting 101' you might prefer a short course. However, if you are really serious about growing your exports and developing your own knowledge and skills - you need to invest the time.

A one or two day course can give you the basics, but you certainly will not develop the level of knowledge and skill required to carry out all the tasks listed above, in only a couple of days.

Q. What do other exporters say about the course?

A. Have a look at the endorsements provided by some of our exporters: Endorsements

If you want to know more about how our exporters have put their learning into practice, check out these exporter profiles:

Ian Walton, Vice President - Aviation & Logistics, ATRAX Group Ltd: Ian Walton - Profile - web version.pdf

Michael Putt, Marketing Director NZ Liquor Resources Ltd :Michael Putt - Profile for web.pdf

Melissa Cocks, Marketing Assistant, Highford Marketing Group Ltd: Melissa Cocks - Profile web version.pdf

Heather Donachie, Export & Administration Manager, Spy Valley Wines Ltd: Heather Donachie - Profile - shorter version.pdf

Kevin Gilbert, Managing Director, Thermaflo: Kevin Gilbert - Exporter Profile.pdf

Sally Symes, Trading Manager, Sacred Hill Wines:

Sally Symes - Exporter Profile.pdf

Q. What does business say about the Diploma?

"Red Seal is currently exporting to a number of countries, mainly Australia & Pacific, North Asia and the UK. This specialist course came up at the right time, when we struggled to find skilled people here. Our only option was to train one of our existing staff and we are really please Belinda took the challenge, as she has grown very quickly from being an administrator to a really good international trade professional".

Red Seal Natural Health - Management

For the first time, New Zealand exporters are being offered the highest level of professional development that has been a proven success for years in many countries including Canada, the US and UK. The Diploma focuses on workplace projects from day one, so exporters improve their export business credibility immediately.

Bob Walters, former CEO, Export New Zealand

Q. What are the entry requirements for the courses?

A. You should be able to work to a high standard of numeracy and literacy in English (IELTS Level 7.0) and be working in an export company or export support organisation. Practical experience in exporting is valued more highly than paper qualifications when deciding on suitability. 

Q. What time commitment will I need to make?

A. You are recommended to spend at least 6 working days (45 hours) on each module. This includes the reading and in-company exercises.

Q. How long does it take to complete a module?

A. Six to eight weeks.   Each module is offered in a two-month window.

Q. Can I study more than one module at a time?

A. No. The modules are meant to be taken sequentially so you build on previous knowledge and skills.

Q. Do I have to attend off-site workshops or study?

A. No. The courses are designed to be taken in the workplace without any need to attend off-site. You will be given on-line support for each module from your Specialist Adviser.

Q. Can I study whilst overseas?

A. Yes, most of our exporters use their travelling time to study and others have continued their studies with us during their big OE (Overseas Experience), or when they have moved abroad. We also have New Zealanders currently living overseas, who want a 'kiwi' perspective on International Trade because they intend to return to Aotearoa at some point in the future.

Q. Do I have to get my employers agreement to take the qualification?

A. Yes. Employers are encouraged to provide you with time off to study the materials and must give permission for you to apply what you have learnt in the company. The agreement represents the added value you will bring to your employer.

Q. How do I convince my employer?

A. If you need to convince your employer that the Diploma of International Trade is relevant and beneficial to both of you, why not use our employer information sheet to get the advice you need. Sponsoring an Employee - your questions answered 2009.pdf(172.93 KB)

Q. How do I apply?

A. If you are sure that this course is right for you, click here to Enrol. If you have any questions or want to talk through any issues send us an email info@export.ac.nz and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Q. What does it cost?

A. For those resident in New Zealand, the cost per module is NZ$1160.00 plust GST, or NZ$9280.00 plus GST for the entire Diploma course. This includes all your training materials delivered right to your door; one-to-one tutoring; privileged access to ELIS (Export Library and Information Service); examination fees; and award certificates. There are NO HIDDEN FEES.

For those residing outside of New Zealand, the School must add on the cost of postage for your materials. Please contact us for an estimate of costs: Contact us.

Q. Do I have to pay the full amount up-front?

A. No, you can pay per module or on a monthly basis, by cheque or internet banking.  However, you must pay for each module before any learning materials can be sent to you.

Q. Can I get any financial help towards my course fee?

A. Check out financial assistance here: http://www.export.ac.nz/financialassistance.html

Q. Can I study only one module?

A. If you are interested in studying only some modules, please contact us to discuss this.

Q. Are the School's courses and training part of NZTE's voucher scheme?

A. The school's courses and training opportunities have qualified for the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme, and are eligible for voucher redemption.   Check the network of Regional Business Partners.

Q. Why should I be an GTP?

A. If you aspire to, or already work in, international trade and exporting, the Global Trade Professional (GTP) designation would be very important for you. As a GTP, you will be recognised by clients, employers and colleagues as a professional whose competencies in international trade are of the highest standard and with a qualification to prove it.

Q. Is GTP for me?

A. Just as exporting and global trade activities are multi-faceted, so too are the modules you will study which will lead you to the GTP designation. Marketing and market intelligence, law, finance, logistics - the GTP designation can reflect specialization in many of these areas.

Q. How do I become an GTP?

You must complete the Diploma in International Trade and work for one year post-qualification in an appropriate organization and agree to abide by the Code of Ethics.

Q. Can I get an exemption for a subject that I have been doing for years?

A. No. In order to get the qualification, you must study all modules.

Q. What happens if I have to delay finishing a paper?

A. We understand that it isn't always possible to meet assessment deadlines, so we are flexible on dates. Talk to your personal tutor who can negotiate a new deadline for you - we are here to help rather than hinder your studies. If you do have to delay, you will not be asked to pay course fees again.

Q. Is the Diploma NZQA accredited?

A. No, because the Diploma is internationally accredited by the International Association of Trade Training Organisations (IATTO). The Diploma of International Trade is not eligible for NZQA accreditation because it is a distance learning programme and is restricts entry to those working in an exporting environment or in a business which wishes to export - we think this is an important feature of the programme because this is a professional qualification.

Q. Who awards the qualification?

A. The New Zealand School of Export is an Institutional member of IATTO. This status is only awarded to those organisations which have met the highest international standard. The School is the only IATTO accredited organisation in New Zealand and Australia.

Q. Does the School offer any consultancy services?

A. Yes we offer an Export Health Check which is a consultation during which we talk with your company and you receive a report with  recommendations for future development.

Q. I can't find what I am looking for.

A. Try using the 'Search for' box at the top right hand side of the website. Type in a keyword and click Go.

Q. I am interested in what the School offers - can I use the Export Library & Information Service?

A. Yes - all parts of ELIS are freely available for you to use. Borrowing resources and using some other functions of the Catalogue require an ID and Password (exporters). If you use ELIS an acknowledgement would be appreciated:


Q. I have a question which has not been answered above.

A. Call us on 06 356 56 56

Page last updated on 24 June 2014

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