What our Exporters say:
Catalina Sleghel, Operations Manager, Encircle Medical Devices, Christchurch
“ For me it was really helpful to put a good international growth plan together for my company and to clarify the details we were not considering as important - such as all aspects of the planning side, assessing the market knowledge and the way we should prepare for negotiations with buyers, especially around the contract agreements."
"Many thanks for the guidance offered throughout. I must say that from the studies I have done previously, I found the New Zealand School of Export course modules most practical and helpful in my work. This journey has enlightened me on what International Trade is all about and I am really proud that in such a short time I believe I have learnt a lot. I would recommend the course to any international trading business."
“For me it was very helpful in the sense we made a really great export plan to understand what we were doing, such as the extreme importance of terms of trade, getting paid, having a solid contract with agents and distributors, and learnt to investigate a country in terms of its culture and everything else, so you just don't turn up and hope for the best."
"The Diploma also looked at things you don't think about such as the dangers of rushing in with an offensive product name and a product which isn't suited to the needs of local customers. The whole export journey is in one course and is very valuable."
“ I feel that I have managed to harness some of the things I knew already about international trade, and by completing the modules in the diploma and speaking to the tutors, I have developed and added new skills to my own personal tool kit. I am definitely more knowledgeable than when I began. Since beginning the Diploma, I have always had a fair amount going on personally and in business. Getting married, increased job responsibilities, moving house, several overseas trips with work, the list goes on….. The Diploma was flexible enough for me to be able to work around my busy schedule and not stress too much about deadlines, as I was the project in the end.†"An advantage of working in Asia and having ‘coal-face experience' in China, Singapore and now the four fronting countries is knowing that nothing can be taken for granted in the planning process. We almost have to reinvent the wheel when we put management strategies in place due to the different business cultures, trade practices...The Diploma course so far has boosted my confidence for tackling these Asian challenges. I also thoroughly appreciated the fast turnaround time and the most useful comments in the Examiner's Reports". "You have a knack of steering me into utilizing another part of my brain that I didn’t know existed.â€. "I want to thank you, as well as the wider team for such an excellent programme and your support throughout my studies."
"Even though the USA stock-market is at its lowest level in 12 years, and USA unemployment is at it's highest level for 25 years - I still sold pavlovas into the market using what I have learned from the course." "I have no formal training in exporting, all I know has been learnt on my feet. My role has just developed and I felt it was time to find out what I didn't know and to upskill. The benefit so far? Much positive affirmation that we are on the right track, but also many new skills and approaches."
"Overall, the course has helped me articulate and formalise what we do and provided a check on the way we do things. It was great to get an extension on one of my assignments, otherwise it would never have got done, so the flexibility has been brilliant." "The Diploma consists of very logical modules, each building on the previous...the final module focuses on an International Business Plan, where all your knowledge on the previous seven modules comes together. An extremely helpful part of this program is the access to a world-class library and selected shortcuts to a vast number of related international trade sites to use. This will shorten your time on research and also put you at the leading edge as international events unfold."
"The benefit of studying the Diploma so far, has been a real understanding of processes and a good insight into all the different aspects of exporting. This course will enable me to embark on a career, not just having a job."
"The fact that my job is in International Trade made sense for me to study at the same time and get (Click here to see Melissa's 'Exporter Profile')
"From completing this course I feel much more confident in approaching possible investors with a proposal for my venture. I feel better equipped both in my own knowledge and mind, as well as having some real research and figures to back up my proposal. Before the course I thought I had a good idea of what I needed to do, but now the picture is much clearer, I realise just how much I didn't know. I believe through this training I am in a far better position to succeed in my goals and ambitions for my company." (Click here to see Michael's 'Exporter Profile') "I took up the challenge of the Diploma of International Trade ma (Click here to see Heather's 'Exporter Profile')
"What I learned from this course was much more than practical modules, from which I have already benefited through application. I highly recommend exporters to invest in this rewarding programme - unless staying competitive is not a part of your business goal."
"I no
"It has been a steep learning curve, arriving in NZ and finding myself in a new career that called for specialised skills. The programme has helped me navigate my way around international trade quicker, providing me with the ammunition to support my drive to serve Red Seals offshore clients better. It has been a challenge having to crunch numbers and digest subject matters from one time zone to another, but overall, it has been a rewarding journey." "For the first time, New Zealand exporters are being offered the highest level of professional development that has been a proven success for years in many countries including Canada, the US and UK. The Diploma focuses on workplace projects from day one, so exporters improve their export business credibility immediately." Bob Walters, CEO, Export New Zealand "Red Seal is currently exporting to a number of countries mainly Australia & Pacific, North Asia and the UK. This specialist course came up at the right time, when we struggled to find skilled people here. Our only option was to train one of our existing staff and we are really pleased that Belinda took the challenge, as she has grown very quickly from being just an administrator to a really good international trade professional." Red Seal Natural Health - Management Page last updated 15 March 2014Inge Vercammen, Commercial Director, Van Dyck Fine Foods, New Plymouth
Dan Taylor, Sales & Marketing Manager, Forrest Wines, Marlborough
Martin Jones, Country Manager/Principal Officer, Atradius
Belinda McKain, Shipping Documentation Manager, Triodent
Ziena Jalil, NZTE Trade Commissioner, Singapore
Trevor Millar, Export Manager, Cowell's Pavlova Kitchen
Sally Symes, Trading Manager, New Zealand Winetraders Ltd.
Ian Walton, Vice-President: Aviation and Logistics, Atrax Group Ltd
"For years I have got by on logistics and finance, but not known the details, or if I'm doing it the best way ... so far, the course, especially the logistics side and finance is very detailed." (Click here to see Ian's 'Exporter Profile'
Ian Walton - Profile - web version.pdf(174.87 KB)
Kevin Gilbert, Managing Director, Thermaflo Ltd.
Jurie Breytenbach, Minerals Key Account Manager, New Zealand Steel Ltd
Greg Canty - Global Inventory Team, Fonterra Co-operative Group
Melissa Cocks, Marketing Assistant, Casio, Australia
more in-depth knowledge. Studying makes you look at the bigger picture and it has made me think about situations and ways of business that I would have not considered previously. Staff are very supportive and efficient in giving feedback and the School has catered to me by bringing exams forward and sending my material out earlier."
Melissa Cocks - Profile web version.pdf(185.65 KB)
Michael Putt, Marketing Director, NZ Liquor Resources Ltd
Michael Putt - Profile for web.pdf(178.49 KB)
Heather Donachie, Export & Administration Manager, Spy Valley Wines Ltd
inly, so I can have a much better understanding of how international trade works, and the mechanics of different countries, their culture, needs and business trading and have learnt a lot about the modus operandi of different countries/cultures, and the history of trade. It has also helped immensely with my geography!"
Heather Donachie - Profile - shorter version.pdf(159.40 KB)
Dean Pan, Business Development Manager - China, Mathias Meats NZ Ltd.
Yovitha Ramkolowan, HSBC, Channel Island
w understand the decisions made at work and why certain strategies have been applied instead of others. I also have more knowledge about how to improve processes and procedures, it has opened my eyes to the way consumers behave overseas and how different products and advertising material is perceived differently."
Belinda Andal, International Trade Officer, Red Seal Natural Health Ltd
What business says: