10 March 2025

The Diploma of International Trade


Diploma of International Trade:  distance learning for exporters

This page introduces you to the Diploma of International Trade as offered by the New Zealand School of Export.   If you work in any aspect of international trade, you will need a professional qualification to help you progress.  We have listed eight reasons for choosing to study the Diploma of International Trade.  If you are an employer or HR manager, please also read how you can sponsor an employee.

Focus on the real world

Both the Diploma and Certificate  are professional qualifications for people working in international trade and are the academic component required to achieve Global Trade Professional (GTP) status.

Based on best practice and focused on the real world of global trade, these qualifications provide trade practitioners and their businesses with knowledge and practical skills that can be applied immediately, enabling them to achieve a competitive advantage in the international marketplace.

Unique course in New Zealand

The Diploma of International Trade is a unique course of study because:

  • it is a distance learning qualification
  • it is offered with unrivalled learning support
  • it has been written in New Zealand for New Zealanders
  • it is offered by New Zealand's only  IATTO Accredited Provider
  • it is supported by the Export Library & Information Service (ELIS)

NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme

The New Zealand School of Export is registered to accept NZTE Capability Development Vouchers.  Check the network of Regional Business Partners.

Scholarships to support exporters

As befits our charitable status, the School offers a range of Scholarships to help you financially. Find out more at: Scholarships.

Note: Due to prudent financial management, fees for the Diploma have been held at the same level since the School opened in 2007.

Learning objectives of the Diploma

By the end of the Diploma of International Trade you will have learned everything you need, to produce a comprehensive International Business Plan and will know how to:

  • Understand the global context within which international trade takes place
  • Research your chosen market 
  • Devise and implement an export marketing strategy for any chosen market
  • Develop export costing, pricing, product, promotion and distribution
  • Develop and implement an effective export-marketing plan
  • Decide on the right course of action for financing export deals
  • Analyse a balance sheet and income statement of potential buyers/suppliers
  • Develop an effective income and expenditure budget for export
  • Make policies regarding the management of personnel at home and overseas
  • Integrate your international trade activity within your business

To find out more about what the course covers read more on Course content.

Study by Distance Learning

The Diploma of International Trade is delivered entirely through distance learning to meet the particular needs of exporters working within New Zealand or offshore.

Click here to find out more about the way in which the course works, how many hours you have to study and ways of assessing your learning: Study and assessment by distance learning.

A Supportive Learning Environment

Those enrolled in the Diploma of International Trade are supported by Personal Tutors and a network of Adjunct Faculty who are both professionally qualified and have wide experience in their specialist area.

This means you can call on people who have practical knowledge of how to solve the problems faced by exporters.

Plus, all School staff have completed the Diploma whilst working full time - so we know what our exporters are going through!

Free Export Library and Information Service (ELIS)

Exporters enrolled with the School also have privileged access to our specialist Export Library and Information Service (ELIS) which is staffed by a professional librarian. Using ELIS will save you time and help you make better informed decisions about your business.  Also take a look at some of the FREE stuff which you can access from our Free DOWNLOADS page.

The Global Standard

The Diploma of International Trade is the Global Standard for International Trade Professionals worldwide.   Having this qualification will put you on a par with your counterparts overseas.

The New Zealand School of Export is the only organisation in New Zealand to have achieved Accredited Provider Status from IATTO - the International Association of Trade Training Organisations.

After completing the Diploma of International Trade, exporters are eligible for the Global Trade Professional designation. Talk to us to find out more: info@export.ac.nz or call: 06 356 5656.

Does this sound like the course for you?

If you think this is the course for you, read more about the Diploma here: Studying with the New Zealand School of Export or contact us: info@export.ac.nz or call 06 356 5656 - we would love to hear from you!


There is no better time to invest in your career and your business - contact us now and stand out from the crowd!

Download a PDF of our information pack:

Information Pack.pdf(859.41 KB) or Information Pack - International.pdf(821.58 KB)

Non-Academic Course For You

If you want a course where there are no reports or assignments, read about our Exporter Growth Programme

Page last updated 19 March 2014

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