27 March 2025

New Zealand School of Export - Corporate Social Responsibility

As a national organisation, the New Zealand School of Export takes its Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously. In terms of the 'Triple Bottom Line' we undertake the following:

Our People

Our employees enjoy some of the best Terms & Conditions of Service in New Zealand including 8 weeks annual leave, 4% Kiwisaver employer contribution, free car parking, their own office and delegated authority to make decisions.

All colleagues are treated as professionals and are encouraged to undertake professional development (we have all completed the Diploma of International Trade).

We operate the ZAP (Zero Administrative Systems) method of reducing unnecessary paperwork and waste of both time and materials; and engage in the FPM (Fractal Process Management) approach used to match personal aspirations with the work environment in order to ensure that a healthy work-life balance is maintained. For example, one colleague is active on the Board of Trustees at a nearby college, another is Vice-President of the local choral society, and another tutors a group of local artists who suffer from multiple sclerosis.

In recent months, the School has worked with the Ethnic Council of Manawatu and has been able to offer work experience to migrants, as well as taking on an international student intern.

Our Planet

In terms of the environment, we recycle kitchen waste, paper, plastics, printer cartridges and other items.

We use local New Zealand companies as our preferred suppliers wherever possible and are committed to continuing to reduce our carbon footprint even further.

Our teaching materials include content on global warming, Fair Trade, the problem of corruption, illegal international trade, the rise of the multi-national corporations and the impact of exports on local populations, as we believe that is essential for exporters to understand the global context within which they undertake their exporting activities.

Our not-for-profit status

As a Charitable Trust, any financial surplus is reinvested into providing additional services to our exporters.

In 2009 we were able to offer Scholarships for the first time. We continue to maintain extremely low overheads compared to other providers in all parts of our operations as part of our business model.

We also offer an Export Library & Information Service (ELIS) which focuses on digital resources where possible.   It is freely accessible as our koha (gift) to our fellow New Zealanders.


We were particularly delighted when Ricoh New Zealand Ltd came on board in 2009 to offer their Ricoh Sustainable Exporter Scholarship. Ricoh - logo_RGB.jpg



Page last updated 13 July 2012


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