13 March 2025


This page lists the published resources of the New Zealand School of Export: academic journal articles, conference papers, the School newsletter and commercial publications.   With the exception of the latter all are freely available to you.   Please download or print.   If you would prefer any of these resources in another format such as XML please email: library@export.ac.nz.

Check our Free Downloads page for other free resources.


Academic Journal Articles

These articles are written for an academic audience and some have been peer reviewed before publication.

Rudzki, Romuald E. J. & Yue He. (2006)  The dragon awakes: the rise of Chinese MNCs.  Palmerston North: Massey University. Romuald E J Rudzki & Yue He.pdf


Conference Papers

If you want to extend your knowledge of international trade and read the results of the latest research as presented at conferences of experts, download these papers


Beyond the Brundtland Report. Paper presented at the OBEC conference, 2008. OBEC Rudzki 2008.pdf

The economic paradox of the freebies phenomena: how and why companies give stuff away for free Romuald E J Rudzki Shaomei Li Freebies.pdf

Exploring the Global Community of Scholars – Lessons for Business and EconomicsOBEC Rudzki Schindler V2.pdf

How SMEs engage in the global economy - cases from New Zealand.   Sabina Jaeger Romuald Rudzki How SMEs.pdf

Managing in the 21st century – the rise of Fractal Process Management (FPM).  FITT 2008 Rudzki paper.pdf

FITT2008 presentation.   FITT2008 powerpoint slides.pdf

Supporting companies through 21st century export library  information services (ELIS)  Rudzki & Siddle IATTO Forum paper Chengdu 2011 version 7.pdf(288.27 KB) NEW!

"A time of consequences" - global warming and the domist imperative  Romuald Rudzki Domist paper.pdf

Understanding the Processes of International Trade OBEC Jaeger & Rudzki 2008-revised [2][1].pdf

The value of free information to exporters...IATTO 34th Rudzki & Siddle V2.pdf



exportfocus - the newsletter of the New Zealand School of Export is published bi-monthly and can be emailed to you free of charge. To subscribe, click here: Latest news and press releases


Commercial publications

International Trade Directory - new 4th edition now available. Includes common acronyms and International Trade terms, as well as Internet Country Codes and Sources of Assistance. $29.95 plus GST + P&P.

Rudzki, R. E. J. (2003) Biotechnology in the Manawatu. Palmerston North: Massey University. ISBN 0-473-09313-8.   $80 plus GST + P&P

Rudzki, R. E. J. & Smith, R. W. (2005) From export trade to global business. Auckland: Export New Zealand. ISBN 0-473-10513-6.   $30 plus GST + P&P

To order your copies email: library@export.ac.nz

Page last updated 29 November 2011

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